My name is Daquan Johnson, a talented 180 cm guard, who will be joining the Maastricht Rebels.
"I made my debut in basketball early in high school, as one of the team’s leading scorers. Afterwards, I joined the military where I continued to play many sports all over the world. With my recent move to the Netherlands, at the QB position, I led the Maastricht Wildcats American Football Team to win the 2023 1st Division Championship. This places the team in the highest level of American Football in the country. I plan to do the same here with the Maastricht Rebels. Being a part of a new basketball program with such a diverse team presents an exciting challenge for me. I’ve loved and played the game of basketball many years but never in the Netherlands. I am looking forward to competing in this league and making maastricht, its youth, the community and our great heritage in the city be proud of us"